I wanted to get A. a play kitchen, and most out there are a) plastic or b) wood and expensive!. Ian has a pretty big wood shop with some nice equipment so we figured we could alter a set of kitchen cupboards or an entertainment center like the two examples above. We looked around for a bit but did not find anything that fit the bill. Than one day i came home from work and Ian had started one from scrap-wood:

It slowly progressed, Ian found a wire shelf from target that he cut into many small shelves:

I went around to Habitat for Humanity and get the faucet, hinges, and handles. I found the "sink" at a thrift store, it was a small wok that we cut the handles off of.:

One other special thing Ian did was cut/route the stove knobs out of one piece of wood:

Then it got doors and a paint job (We used leftover paint from my kitchen) Ian did a great job and A. loves it!:

The thing ways a ton! but it only cost us about $40-50!.
Some cute video:
Awesome. And adorable video.
That is a terrific kitchen!
It came out wonderfully! She looks so cute with it.
You are very lucky that you have a handy husband who can make something like that. It looks great. A is a very lucky girl.
How totally awesome is that? You & DH deserve a big round of applause!
That is awesome! Where do I place my order? :) The sink idea is genius!
What a lbaor of love and an adorable little kitchen. I can see it being passed down to grand-daughters!
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