Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My first moose

My first moose
Originally uploaded by Stitching scientist.
Hello all, I know I have the worse blog ever. I like totally don't blame you if you all put me at the bottom of your favorites list. But I please don't leave me all together, I will be a more regular blogger in the fall...well cause I'll either have a job and be sitting in front of a computer alot, or I'll have no job and tons of time. either way you should stick around this summer, If nothing else then for the pictures. Firstup today Is my first moose.

I am in Anchorage for the NABS conference, and yesterday I gave my presention (went well thank you) and befor my talk I went for a walk around the creek/lake by the university (of alaska at achorage) and by the side of the path was this big female (cow?) munching away about 15 ft (5m) from me. awesome. I know they are like deer around here, but it is cool nontheless.

Stitching you say, well not since I got off the plane, But I bought a new digital camera and am looking forward to the macro setting to demo for you...I did work a bit on Seaology and will post a pic (eventually!)

Well I am off to go hiking, my goal is to see a glacier today, they are an endangered phenomenon.

PS. Suz, the pic of Toolik is in the winter, it will be summer when I am there, snow is pssible but flowers are more likely.


Anonymous said...

Wow, a moose! I've never seen one myself, but she must have been amazing! I hope you get to see the glacier today and congratulations on your presentation going well. :)

Margaret said...

Oh cool. I can't wait to see more pictures. I'll miss seeing you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Ho woaw!!! What was the moose like? Did it pay attention to you a bit, or nothing at all?
So beautiful. I would have liked to go "hey you ^^" a little bit and give the moose a hug ^^. But... not good for the moose to do that, huh? Anyway, the moose would have to accept the gesture first :-p.
Also, let's enjoy the glacier, but I'm more sad for the animals having to endure that...