This post has been in the works for 3 months now, I hope you will forgive the delay:
As I mentioned 4 years! ago when my daughter was born, I found a lot of comfort on the internet through blog posts about natural labor and so I wanted to add to that so I posted her labor story here. I was able to have another natural childbirth this past June, so this is my son's story:
This pregnancy was a bit different than my first, I was more uncomfortable due to a number of reasons, more and earlier Braxton Hicks contractions, extreme round ligament pain on my right side, random sharp pains in my cervix, and a lower carry in general. (I gained less weight this time but got more stretch marks, yay me!). This time I also planned to have a midwife instead of a OB, and try for a water birth to help with possible thigh labor that I had with my last labor.
My son was due June 14th, and when I went in for my first pelvic check at 36 weeks and was already at 3 cm. My midwife was not worried yet so I went on vacation to Charleston w/ the family.
1 week beore my due date I as at 4cm, "Any day" my midwife said. A long weekend later, the day before my due date, I was clocking in at 5cm, 100% effaced...with membranes bulging. I was sure this boy would be like his sister and be on time but just in case, Tanya, my midwife and I came up wih a plan in case nothing happened in the next 24 hours, a "natural" induction, so I could ensure a water birth.
We ended up needing that "plan". Wed- morning June 15th, Ian and I dropped off Annabeth at daycare (routine for her) and checked with Tanya, I was at 6cm and my water still did not break. (I wasn't too surprised, with Annabeth the OB broke my water when i was about 9 cm.). She stripped my membranes and we checked in to the hospital at 10 am and the next 5 hours were BORING. Which I realize now is why they tell you to pack food and music and reading etc. I walked the halls trying to get things started, and rocked on the birthing ball. I had mostly painless contractions (some lower back pain) and they were not very consistant or regular. But everytime Tanya checked me I was a cm bigger.
By 3pm (at 8 cm) I was tired of waiting and ready to go. So we filled the tub, (I requested it as hot as possible cause that is how I like my baths) and she broke my water. 3 contractions later I was hurting enough to get in the tub. 2 more contractions later I was unhappy and wishing I had asked for an ice bath instead of a sauna. I got up on my knees and had a couple more contactions before I got out to go to the bathroom (If you are planning a water birth - let everyone on your team know you need to do this!).
I got back in the tub and the contractions were in their "Why did i decide to do this naturally?!" phase. they were REALLY bad, in long, hard waves--but within the next 3-5 contractions i had one that did not stop and finally figured out that I was pushing and straining against the pressure and not the pain and physically backed off enough to realize that the head was sitting right in the pelvic opening - what a strange sensation! I then announced to everyone that this baby was coming out on the next contraction (I was DONE). On the next contraction I pushed and felt the head pass through, but when I relaxed everyone kept telling me to push more?!. So I did but there was nothing to push against, but they kept saying PUSH, and I guessed that there was a shoulder caught or something --it ended up that his right hand was up against his head so it was out first (hence why i had all the cervical pain ---he had been poking me with that hand for 3 months!. but finally he was out and it was OVER!
He was a funny color - blue/purple but most water births are like that because they hold their breath.Once he finally breathed he pinked up quickly - freaked Ian out though. I knew he was fine because his eyes were wide open :)
I know what you are thinking- I look good, right? Remember, I knew that morning I was going to have a baby, so I showered and put on makeup and earrings -cause i remembered the pictures after Annabeth was born- not pretty. I also was in hard labor for only an hour and a half ---barely broke a sweat.
We had a short list of names, but his did not come easily like Annabeth's did. The next day we announced the name:
Hudson Robert 8lb 10 oz, 21 inches long.
He is now 3 months old and is doing fabulous, I will be posting an update on both my babies and some STITCHING! in the next post (and it will not take me 9 months).