Friday, May 25, 2007

Week 1

Round Robin progress
Originally uploaded by Stitching scientist.

Week 1!!??? what the....? Where did week 2 go? darn it, I knew I forgot something. Oh well I actually had a very good week. Ian took all his days off for the first time in a while. His "weekend" is mon-wed, but he always has an option of working any of those days for overtime, and he usually does. So we did some some necessary stuff but in general got less done and had more fun doing it. I did make some MAJOR progress on said RR, got all the leaves done. Look, you can actually see where the roses are going to go. (there are 2). Oh and have I mentioned how much I am looking forward to the backstitching?

Headed to doctor yesterday, I am still dilating, about 1.5 cm (I did not know they gave half points), 50% effaced and the head is still down in good position (no descent yet though). She said I could go anytime...but that means just that, anytime in the next month, sigh. I would love for her to be on time, but I am still half convinced it's going to take an induction I don't want. The doctor doesn't seem worried, so I am trying not to be, and doing everything I can to encourage action. which includes doing this:

Week 1 5/25-6/1

  • Finish cleaning kitchen
  • Work on RR
  • Work on manuscript
  • Work on Fall class stuff
  • Call HR to warn them of impending baby addition on insurance
  • Buy wedding gift
  • Continue scrapbooks
  • Buy blinds and glider for baby's room.
  • Buy food and cook meals
  • Finish packing bags
And thats all folks, if it doesn't happen in the next week, the pacing will begin then. My next appt. on my due date. ( oh and is if I suddenly don't post for more than 3 days you will know what has happened.....)


Anonymous said...

It's nearly zero hour now! It sounds like you are setting up nicely. Think positive; nature will take its course and induction won't be necessary. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on all that you have accomplished and will accomplish. What a great idea for the wedding and birth announcement. I'm crossing my fingers for your natural birth (no induction) as you really wish to have. Ann.