A's Birth Sampler -Kissycross freebie
Originally uploaded by Stitching scientist
Life has been busy, but really when does it slow up? when your dead right? Anyway the past year I have been bogged down (stitch wise) with EGA projects (no offense ladies). So my new years Resolution is to do/finish BOTH birth samplers for my children before moving forward with ANYTHING else. Except maybe replacing the elastic in all H's cloth diapers, they were bought used - I'm about halfway done with that :)
Oh the picture? it is the freebie offered years ago by Kissycross (no longer available). I have changed alot of the fibers, and of course am doing it in english, but i am almost done, just the flowers and the saying to finish. I am not sure about the birds legs/beak color choice, the original yellow was not pretty, or about the bird house. and now I am even second guessing the blue border. One thing stitching has taught me, is that i do NOT trust myself when making color choices- often i end up wrong 3-4 times before i get it right. I know the lighting is bad, and a bit small, but what do you think?