Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hot SBQ Action

So I was looking over everyone's blogs (ok not everyones I caught up on 2) alot happens in 2 an a half months. But I noticed quite a few SBQ that I missed (13!) so here are my answers to a couple of the ones I thought I could make an intelligent contribution to:

First up this weeks: Do you have an organizational system for your fabric? If so, what isit? If not, what do you store your fabric in?How do people store their fabric, especially those small butpotentially usable pieces? Do they sort by count? How do they label itor otherwise know what each piece is?

my fabric organization is a bit lacking but I can find you a 32 count white linen in about 3 minutes so it is not too bad, I can't guarantee the size though. See I sort by count first. Those are placed in big ziplock bags. I have one for 32, one for 28, one for 25/26 etc. Then those bags fit perfectly into these drawers. I do not record the size because the largest pieces are always being cut down. I do not usually care what type it is ie. belfast, edinbergh, etc. Because I rarely use the exact color/type that the designer did. I am comfortable switching count size too.

here is another from lastweek:For those of you who use hand or over-dyed floss, how do you store it?
this is a bit sadder. I am very carful with my DMC sorting but with my dyed floss I just have them thrown in bags sorted by the floss co. so all GAST is in one bag etc. So far I don't have very many so I can tell you that I have one color or another, as I gather more that may have to change.

From July 20th: When you get a project professionally framed do you get glass insertedinto the frame? Why or why not? I do tend to do the glass thing when I get a piece framed professionally. They are usually gifts and have mats and all that fancy stuff. that may be a total of like 3 projects cause I am soo damn frugal I would rather do it myself. Now when I do frame myself, the glass is simply more of a preference/and ease of doing it thing, If there is glass that means I did not back the stitching with cotton batting or there were no beads or I had a glass piece that fit. like wise If I don't have glass it is because there is beads that would get smooshed , I made it a bit poofy and like the effect, or I just don't have the glass that would fit. I have framed only 11 pieces myself and 6 have glass the rest did not.

From June 28th: What do you do with your charts once you've stitched them? Do you keep them or dispose of them? If you keep them, do you organize them in away that is different from the way you keep your unstitched charts? I think what it comes down to is that I usually keep charts If i really liked doing them, and give away the stuff I don't. I do have a couple I am planning on seling cause it ended up I havent touched them and they are in perfect condition. and no, the ones i have done are in the same groups as the ones waiting to be done. (althought at the bottom of the stack) I haven't done stitching for so long that i would have forgotten having done one!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

And now a word from our sponsor

Hello all, I have been very busy lately ( new to teaching a lecture class of 175 will take up anyone's time) I had a great get together with my fellow Tarheels on Saturday, and have otherwise...sigh...not stitched at all. then last night when I realized I need to post a picture of what I did work on saturday, I couldn't find my camera. Worst Blog Ever! No really I am feeling so guilty about it I won't even let myself read anyone elses blog untill I get more into the swing of things.
Oh I did get to go to a small shop called Em-lis, in Dunn, NC. It is actually in her house (if her car is there she is open kind of place) She is really a big wholesaler of samplers to retailers but check out her website I got this Moira Blackburn Sampler which is not my regular style but I saw it as a model, and you know how that works!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A New Job

I have a new job! I won't say much cause I will be lecturing freshman who will probably be Googling me next week. You may notice a few differences in my profile and my blog entrys. I will be limiting my entries to my crafts and positive interactions. I thought about pulling my blog altogether, but I enjoy posting and doing all the exchanges (which I have to sign up for a few soon), so I will just have to post as if one of my students is reading this blog. I wouldn't want to be dooced now would I. (her blog is really cool by the way

Oh and I am working on Signs of Winter , Bent Creek right now, Il lpost a progress pic soon.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'm Home

Hey yall,
I am back and with stitching! I finished the one project I kinda worked on the five weeks I was in Alaska.